Monday, November 12, 2007

Opening Ceremony

Welcome to the IGF 2007 in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil! The opening ceremony and opening session consisted of delegates from all over the world (from Brazil, to Italy, to Japan!) representing various governments and international organizations sharing their views about what they thought the IGF should achieve this year and the importance of the various themes which will be covered. Access was seen as a primary challenge in many areas of the world. I will mainly focus on what was covered by the speakers in this respect as it is the theme I will be concentrating on.

Some quotes from the opening ceremony:

Brazilian Extraordinary Minister for Strategic Affairs, Mr. Sergio Rezende
- Globalization has taken place in the planet in different phases, but this one is a definite one

Harvard law professor, Mr. Robert Mangabeira Unger
- The Internet is a means to overthrow all dictatorships to free people from the power of money and cultural authority.

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